Photo by Andreas Rønningen
Before you go officially inviting your boss, or the friend from college you occasionally see (but mainly know from Facebook), and happened to run into with the ring on your finger – STOP.
Compile an official list with your fiance’ and your families. You may be surprised how fast 50 people can add up.
What size depends on your personal preference and your budget. The general rule of thumb is:
Inner Circle: Up to 35 guests
Friends & Family: 35-80 guests
Over 80: Everyone you all know!
Once you have determined your ideal number, feel free to over-invite. For Destination Weddings it used to be about 50%, however the past few years in Maine, we are seeing more like 70-75%. (who doesn’t want to come to Maine?)
Remember Destination Wedding guests need to know info at least 10 months out. A save the date card is the best gauge of how many people will attend. Guests who are unable to attend will usually let you know. For those planning to attend it gives them plenty of time to schedule vacation time, arrange for child care and shop for airline fares.
Maine has without a doubt some of the most beautiful places to get married – barns, the coast, under a tent, at an Inn, or on the beach.
Working with a wedding planner in Maine will make your experience so much easier. We know Maine, and how to navigate all the logistics, not to mention the very best vendors!
From Maine-